
Are plastic bags recyclable? 7 Alternatives to plastic bags

Yes, plastic shopping bags are recyclable in some cases, but the process is so complicated and expensive that it may not be sustainable. Plastic bags are present in modern life, from grocery shopping to packaging. While their convenience is undeniable, the environmental impact of single-use plastics has turn the alarm of the experts in the…


Top 10 highest ocean plastic waste polluters in the world

Plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time, with millions of tons of plastic waste entering the oceans each year. This issue not only threatens marine life but also disrupts ecosystems and poses risks to human health. A significant portion of this oceanic plastic waste originates from a…

ASTM D6954 vs ASTM D5988

What is the difference between ASTM D6954 and ASTM D5988 standards

ASTM D6954 and ASTM D5988 are both standards used to test the biodegradability of plastics, but they differ in their specific applications. ASTM D6954 is specifically designed for testing oxo-biodegradable plastics, while ASTM D5988 is designed for testing the aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in soil. Here are some of the differences between the two…

Effect of plastic bags on marine life

Top 10 facts about the effects of plastic bags on marine life

The Top 10 Facts About How Single-Use Plastic Bags Harm Marine Life The effects of plastic bags on marine life are severe. Animals like sea turtles, fish, and seabirds often ingest plastic bags, leading to blockages, malnutrition, or death. Plastic bags also cause entanglement in species such as seals and seabirds, resulting in injuries or…


New Plant-Based Polymers that Decompose in Just Seven Months

UC San Diego and Algenesis researchers developed plant-based polymers that biodegrade in seven months, offering a significant environmental breakthrough. These polymers serve as a sustainable alternative to traditional plastics and have demonstrated promising biodegradation capabilities at the microplastic level. This development addresses environmental concerns and provides a potential solution to the alarming issue of microplastic…

Fossil Fuels vs Bio-based plastics

Fossil Fuel Vs Bio Based Plastic – What is the Difference?

Generally speaking, plastics fall into two main categories, Fossil Fuel and Bio Based Plastic. This refers to the source material used to make plastic bags. While there are subcategories, the plastic we use everyday will typically be made of one of these two. Fossil Fuels vs Bio Based: The Difference Between Plastics Plastics are everywhere…

which country first banned plastic bags

Which was the first country to ban plastic bags?

It’s estimated over 1 trillion plastic bags are used globally each year. These single-use items are ubiquitous in modern society for carrying groceries and retail purchases. Yet billions of plastic bags end up as enduring litter and waste, causing environmental damage. Many nations have recently enacted bans and fees to curb plastic bag usage. The…


European Bioplastics defends compostable and recycled plastics

In a recent study conducted by scientists at the Spanish Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research and the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), concerns were raised about the potential toxicity of compostable and recycled plastics, especially when compared to conventional plastics. The study, titled “Comparative toxicity of conventional versus compostable plastic consumer…


Single-use plastics banned in the UK from October 1 2023

The UK government recently announced an upcoming ban on certain single-use plastic items like cutlery, plates, and polystyrene containers. This is great news for reducing plastic waste and protecting the environment! Here’s what UK consumers need to know. Ban on Single-Use Plastics Coming in 2023 Starting October 2023, single-use plastic plates, trays, bowls, cutlery, balloon…


Are Biodegradable bags more expensive than standard plastic bags

Yes, biodegradable bags are generally more expensive than traditional plastic bags. Generally, eco-friendly and biodegradable bags plastics are more expensive to produce. According to the search results, biodegradable or compostable bags cost three to six times more than traditional bags. Here are some reasons why: Raw materials Biodegradable plastic bags are made from natural materials…