
How to avoid poisoning when using reusable bags

Perhaps you did not know that there is a risk of getting sick when using reusable bags, even so, avoiding poisoning when using reusable bags is very easy. You just have to pay attention to the steps that we will give you in this article.

You surely hear that using biodegradable bags is good for the environment, and surely you made the decision to use reusable bags a long time ago. A plastic or cloth bag that is easy to transport, where you can store your meat, dairy, vegetables or flour without any problem.

The problem is this, have you ever thought of washing these bags after using them?

According to recent studies, only 15% of people who use reusable bags wash their bags after using them. This allows many bags to serve as the perfect place to harvest bacteria.

Reusable bags can be an incredible alternative to save and help the world at the same time. Still, if you don’t take proper care of it, you could end up in the emergency room for poisoning.

The United Kingdom Food Standards Agency created a series of steps that we can apply in our lives to avoid poisoning from using reusable bags.

4 Tips to avoid contamination of your reusable bags

  • Use different bags for each type of food

Experts recommend that you use different reusable bags for different foods. Meats in one bag, dry foods in another bag, and vegetables in another bag.

In this way you can avoid contaminating your food, especially meat.

It is also recommended that you always use the same bag for each type of food. If possible, identify them! It will be much easier for you.

  • Select your bag material wisely

Reusable bags come from different materials such as cotton, jute or plastic. It is best to use cotton or jute, as they are resistant fabrics and you can wash them every time you use them.

Although it is true that they can be more expensive, they are worth it. On the other hand, plastic bags can be much stronger, but they are more difficult to wash.

  • Use cooler bags if there is hot weather

Remember that one of the main sources of contamination in reusable bags are leaks of blood or other liquids. It is preferable to use special bags that keep cold when the weather is very hot.

  • Check for traces of blood or fluid in the bags

Once you get home from the market, instead of keeping the reusable bags, it is better that you check them in case of a spill. If it is a cloth bag, you can put it directly in the washing machine, while in plastic bags you can use chlorine and disinfectant to clean it.

How to wash reusable grocery bags to avoid poisoning?

We can say that there are two types of reusable bags on the market today, fabric and synthetic. Let’s start with…

Washing fabric bags.

Washing your cloth bags is very simple, you just have to take your favorite detergent, bleach, and throw them in the washing machine. Once washed, it will be enough to hang them in the sun and then store them.

Done, your bags are ready for the next use.

Wash reusable plastic bags

These bags are a little more difficult to wash, since you cannot wash them in a washing machine, but you must do it by hand.

To wash your reusable plastic bags well, you just have to put them in a bucket with water, soap and chlorine. Brush with a brush with thick bristles and that’s it, you can rinse with plenty of water and hang out for your next use.

Use your reusable bags with caution

Reusable bags are not bad and help reduce the impact of plastic use in our society. According to statistics, the UK alone has used 6 billion fewer plastic bags since charging began.

When using your reusable bags make sure they are clean and also bring one for each type of food. In this way you will avoid getting poisoned by using a reusable bag.

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