
What can be done with reusable bags?

Surely in your kitchen there is a drawer with dozens of reusable balls that you have been accumulating over the years. Plastic or cloth, it doesn’t matter. Today you will learn what you can do with the reusable bags that you have in excess.

When biodegradable bags began to become popular, all stores sold or gave away reusable bags with their logos. Big, small, cloth, plastic bags, and it was supposed to be a green alternative to avoiding ordinary plastic bags.

The problem is that, on the next visit to the market, you could forget the bag, so you had to buy another reusable bag.

This infinite cycle caused a problem… Having too many carrier bags, more than you want.


What to do with the reusable bags that I have left over?

If you have a drawer full of reusable bags and you don’t know what to do with them, follow these tips.

  • Use it to the fullest!

The grace of eco bags is to USE THEM to the fullest. Over and over and over again until you get tired. According to studies, it takes at least 7.100 uses to justify the climate impact generated by creating a reusable bag.

In other words, after you have used your bag at least 100 times, you can already consider discarding it or changing it for a new one.

  • Reuse them to store objects

A good way to organize spaces in your closet is by using ecological bags. They are perfect for storing board games, toys, or Christmas decorations. In short, there are many things that you can easily store.

  • Store beach toys

Reusable bags are an excellent option for transporting beach toys, especially when you come back when they are full of sand and wet.

  • Organize your trunk easily

If you are going to travel and need to carry several things, reusable bags can be an excellent option to organize your trunk. A bag to store books ready to donate, another with clothes for the dry cleaning, and others with your children’s toys.

  • Use it as a laundry basket

If your bag is big enough you can use it as a laundry basket. Reusable cloth bags can be an excellent option for storing dirty clothes.

  • Plant a small plant

Reusable fabric or juta bags are perfect for planting some plants in your garden. Besides, the design of this will allow you to water them easily and the excess water will filter it.

There are many other things you can do with your biodegradable bags. You just have to activate your creativity and see how many uses you can give it.

Save dirty clothes, plant trees, save old toys or books, even save the clothes you are going to donate. If you want to give new life to your reusable bags, you just have to start your imagination, come on!

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